I Hate Macs
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Naked Conversations, Chapter 4-6

I really like the fact that blogging opens the doors for smaller companies like Thomas Mahon’s suitmaking business. It seems like a great way for these groups to actually reach a wide customer base without having to spend exorbitant amounts of money on advertising. Like an earlier chapter said – blogging is “word of mouth on steroids.” Yet, it seems to have more power in the fact that it is written open and honestly (in ideal cases), and by an actual human being that customers can relate to.

To relate this to something in my own life, there is a computer game that I play called Eve online. It is a massive online game, with tens of thousands of real people immersed in the created world. The developers, a company named CCP, post Developer Blogs several times a week detailing their opinions on the direction of this everchanging game, fixes and balances that they wish to implement, and addressing community concerns over various things. In a way, each individual player feels as if they know the developers, and we know that our voices are heard and that they actually care about the state of the game. I can’t think of any way other than blogging that would give them this power.

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